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General Convention

This user manual uses the nomenclature intoduced by Whitson and Brulé in the SPE Phase Behavior Monograph.

Phase Rate at \((p, T)\) conditions Rate at standard conditions
oil \(q_\mathrm{o}\) \(q_\mathrm{\bar{o}}\)
gas \(q_\mathrm{g}\) \(q_\mathrm{\bar{g}}\)
water \(q_\mathrm{w}\) \(q_\mathrm{\bar{w}}\)

List of Symbols

Symbol Meaning Unit
\(B_o\) Oil Formation Volume Factor res. vol. / surface vol.
\(B_{gd}\) Dry Gas Formation Volume Factor res. vol. / surface vol.
\(B_{gw}\) Wet Gas Formation Volume Factor res. vol. / surface vol.
\(b_{gd}\) Dry Gas Expansion Factor surface vol. / res. vol.
\(\mathcal{C}\) List of components in an EOS model -
\(F_V\) Vapor mole fraction -
\(FF\) Flash Factor scf/STB or Sm³/Sm³
G Original Gas in Place scf or Sm³
\(K_i\) K-value of component \(i\) defined by \(K_i = \frac{y_i}{x_i}\) where \(y_i\) and \(x_i\) are equilibrium phases -
N Original Gas in Place scf or Sm³
\(p_{a}\) Abandonment Pressure psi or bar
\(p_\mathrm{res}\) Reservoir pressure psi or bar
\(p_\mathrm{res, init}\) Initial reservoir pressure psi or bar
\(R_p\) Producing Gas Oil Ratio scf/stb or sm³/sm³
\(R_s\) Solution Gas Oil Ratio scf/stb or sm³/sm³
\(r_s\) / \(R_v\) Solution Condensate (Oil) Gas Ratio stb/MMscf or sm³/sm³
\(S_\mathrm{o}\) Saturation of oil %
\(S_\mathrm{g}\) Saturation of oil %
\(SF\) Shrinkage Factor of Separator Oil STB/sep.bbl or Sm³/sep.m3
\(T_\mathrm{res}\) Reservoir Temperature F or C
\(\underline{P}\) Process model -
\(W\) Weight factor -
\(x_i\) Liquid mole fraction of component \(i\) mol-%
\(y_i\) Vapor mole fraction of component \(i\) mol-%
\(z_{\mathrm{bo}i}\) Initial in-situ reservoir mixture used in the process of generating BO table mol-%
\(z_i\) Molar fraction of component \(i\) mol-%
\(\alpha\) Shape Factor of Gamma Model -
\(\gamma_\mathrm{api}\) Stock tank oil API gravity degrees API
\(\eta\) Bound of Gamma Model g/mol
\(\mu_o\) Oil viscosity cp
\(\mu_g\) Gas viscosity cp
\(\rho_\mathrm{o}\) Oil density lbm/ft³ or kg/m³
\(\rho_\mathrm{g}\) Gas density lbm/ft³ or kg/m³

List of Acronyms

Acronym Meaning
BO Black Oil
BOT Black Oil Table
CCE Constant Composition Expansion
EOS Equation of State
EOR Enhanced Oil Recovery
FC First-Contact
FCM First-Contact Miscibility
GOR Gas Oil Ratio [sm³/sm³ or scf/bbl]
GC Gas Condensate
GC Gas Chromatography
HnP Huff-n-Puff
MCM Multi-Contact Miscibility
MC Multi-Contact
MME Minimum Miscibility Enrichment
MMP Minimum Miscibility Pressure
MW Molecular Weight
NC Near-Critical
SCN Single Carbon Number
VO Volatile Oil